Thursday, December 09, 2004

"Why wait? Mark in 08!"

Apologies for the lack of posting lately. Once again, I've been real busy at work, and to top things off, I just picked up an iPod, which I have been playing with (and playing) during most of my spare time.

Anyway, here's the best Warner08 article I've seen in a while, from (of all places) London's Times:
On the day before Thanksgiving a group of 70 or so unwontedly jovial and bibulous Democrats and their friends were taking part in what has become an annual event. The host was Mark Warner, the Governor of Virginia, a youthful looking 49-year-old with a smile as wide as the Potomac River. He and his friends have been gathering on this Wednesday for almost 20 years — since he started out as an entrepreneur in the cellular telephone business.

This year, for one very obvious reason, the crowd was bigger and livelier than ever before and the conversation was about only one topic. Warner is an emerging contender for the Democratic nomination in 2008. Shares in the telegenic governor were already riding high before November 2. But with Mr Kerry’s defeat, widely seen as another lesson in what happens if you nominate a northeastern liberal Democrat for the presidency, they soared.

His appeal is clear — he is a southern Democrat who holds high office, and an election winner in a part of the country that President Bush won easily last month. He has done his best to keep the lid on his supporters’ enthusiasm, but the buzz at the Palm that day was that Mr Warner is already up and running. The presence there of high-powered political operatives — including Joe Trippi, who masterminded Howard Dean’s meteor-like campaign this year — suggests that there will be no shortage of useful support if he begins a run for the White House when his governorship comes to an end in 2006. Mr Warner has money too — he is a self-made multimillionaire and is already eagerly fundraising among supporters.

Steve Brady, Mr Warner’s former business partner, captured the enthusiastic mood at the Thanksgiving party, giving a rousing speech which ended when he took off his jacket to reveal a T-shirt emblazoned: “Why Wait?” on the front and “Mark in 08” on the back.
The subhead on the article is titled "The Democrats already have a front-runner for their next attempt on the White House" and the article's emphasis on Warner implies that he's the man. While it's far too early to anoint Warner a front-runner (his national name recognition is still very low), there's no question that he's emerged as the new face to go with the usual suspects like Hillary, Wes Clark and John Edwards.


Anonymous Anonymous said... will be featuring an article on 2008 election predictions soon, if this post stays up, Warner will be in the article. Think of it as shared publicity.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is great. I've been sending the link to my friends across the country to get publicity for our great gov.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to this site. Im not usually one who gets to involved in blogs, but was looking up 2008 possible presidential candidates and came upon this site.
I too agree that Gov. Mark Warner would be overall the best candidate in 2008. I have nothing against Hillary Clinton or any of the other front runners, but I understand that if she runs she will cost the democrats another election.
I supported John Kerry in the 2004 campaign and even had the privaledge of meeting him, but if Sen. Kerry decides to run again he too will cost the democrats an election.
I have contacted Gov. Warner and have give him my support and have erged him to at least give it some thought to run for the White House.
I erge that you also contact the Governor and tell him that you will stand behind him if he shall give a run for the White House a shot.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Michael Reynolds said...

I just wanted to let you know that The Mighty Middle is endorsing Warner. We'll be putting up a link section for pro-Warner blogs including this one.

10:49 AM  
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