Friday, November 05, 2004

They did all but mention Warner by name.

John Judis and Ruy Teixiera, writing in The New Republic, had this to say in an election post-mortem:
Kerry, an aloof New Englander, operated at a distinct disadvantage among white, working-class voters. Unlike Bill Clinton, he had trouble convincing voters that he "felt their pain." In interviews conducted on the eve of the election, we asked white, working-class Bush supporters in Martinsburg, West Virginia, what they thought of Clinton. Even those who praised Bush for his "family values" said they had voted for Clinton and thought he was an "excellent president." But it wasn't Clinton's politics they preferred; it was Clinton himself, despite the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Gore had exactly the same problem with these voters in 2000. The Democrats need to find a candidate that can talk to both PhDs and tractor-trailer drivers.

If they do this, the Democrats will be able to win presidential elections. Kerry, after all, came very close to winning this time despite his inadequacy as a candidate. Democrats showed that they can hold their own in states like Colorado (where Democrat Ken Salazar was elected to the Senate), Arizona, Nevada, and Virginia. In many of these states, demography is on the Democrats' side. Colorado is going to become more like California and less like Utah or Montana, and Virginia is going to become more like New Jersey and less like South Carolina.
The Democrats need someone who "can talk to both PhDs and tractor-trailer drivers." Demography is on the Democrats' side in Virginia. Gee, I wonder who would fit the bill here?


Blogger monkeyball said...


I ran across your comment (with link to this site) on Kevin Drum's blog (I refuse to call him "Political Animal").

I like your forward thinking on this matter. I myself am not sold on Warner -- he doesn't have a national profile, has no foreign-policy cred, and doesn't have a clear electoral role or significant c.v. bump btw now and '08 -- but your arguments for him are compelling nonetheless.

I'm an Edwards '08 booster -- but only within a specific context (one in which, actually, Warner could work as well). Check out my rationale here:

6:31 PM  
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