Warner Faces The Nation.
The Governor was on CBS' Face The Nation today, and acquitted himself well. You can read a transcript of his session here (note that this is a PDF document), and see video excerpts from his appearance here (on the right of the page).
He did dodge the question of whether he would have voted for the Iraq war, a bit maddening but probably the right political move at the moment. He did make a point of advising Democrats not to re-fight why we got into the war but to instead press Bush on what he's going to do now. I don't necessarily agree with him on that point, but that is the "centrist" position. Otherwise, it was a recap of many things anyone reading this blog has likely heard before from him (the "Virginia miracle" - although he doesn't call it that, Democrats have to compete in more than 16 states, etc).
He did dodge the question of whether he would have voted for the Iraq war, a bit maddening but probably the right political move at the moment. He did make a point of advising Democrats not to re-fight why we got into the war but to instead press Bush on what he's going to do now. I don't necessarily agree with him on that point, but that is the "centrist" position. Otherwise, it was a recap of many things anyone reading this blog has likely heard before from him (the "Virginia miracle" - although he doesn't call it that, Democrats have to compete in more than 16 states, etc).
I cannot WAIT to vote for this guy. I only hope I get the chance.
It was a great appearance...he's such presidential quality (then again so was Kerry). He's an excellent alternative to Hillary, and will mend the nation the way he mended Virginia.
I think he's got the election.
Does Mark have a 2008 comittee yet. If so, how do I get involved? E-mail me at bernardmcshane@chklawfirm.com
I am very interested in learning more about Governor Warner as a potential presidential candiate. His record appears to be impressive as Governor of Virginia. What I can't seem to get a lot of information on at this time is postions he has on important national issues, such as the war in Iraq, health care, deficits, the widening gap between the upper and middle classes, etc. Is there any information available where he has taken positions on these issues?
Article in NY Times today about Warner & the death penalty. Mentioned especially his political chances in Iowa. The death penalty case has been good publicity for Warner and he did the right thing.
I would like to know more precisely what Warner's position is on the Iraq War. Taking a "moderate" position on this issue just doesn't cut it with me.
Like most Democrats, (although to their left, myself) I am totally opposed to the war in Iraq and favor at least a position like that roughly of Murtha/Feingold/Kucinich.
If Warner fudges or tries to fudge this issue, there's no way I would support him. I don't support Hillary for candidate for this (as well as other) reasons. A moderate Democrat with a strong antiwar position -- ie a Southern, politically more adroit analogue to Howard Dean could be the Democrats' dream for 2008. I would strongly consider supporting him and donating and speaking out where I often do if he were to bite the bullet and take that position.
On the other hand, Arianna Huffington described Kaine's position on the war (I donated to his campaign for Gov although I live in MA) as rather hawkish:
It is crucial to have a Democrat who doesn't try to finesse this issue. Gun control, gay marriage, and some other issues are things that moderate Democrats have leeway on with me. But an Iraq War hawk or fudgyhawk, NO WAY!
GET REAL AND GET OUT! (the emerging consensus view of Americans)
Warner is too conservative for me. If we nominate him I'll vote Green -- as I did in 2000.
I am a Republican from Virginia and I will vote for Mark Warner if he is nominated for President. He's a political moderate and fiscal conservative. He is able to work with both sides of the political spectrum.
I lived in Virginia long enough to vote for Mark Warner. He completely turned the State around and has a strong business and management background. He is fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Mark Warner is electable as president and will appeal across a broad spectrum. Lets face the facts, the liberals the Democratic party insists on putting up for National Office will never get elected. John Kerry was a repeat of the Michael Dukakis fiasco in 1988. I would love to see a liberal social candidate but they will never get elected. Mark Warner is one of the few bright stars of the Democratic Party that can carry States that Democrates haven't been able to do in the past. Mark, if you read this, please run. You will have my support and vote.
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