Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Some love from the Wall Street Journal.

The Note, snarky as usual, includes the following tidbit today:
The Wall Street Journal's Gerald Seib endorses Gov. Mark Warner to lead the Democratic revival. How would one do that, you should ask?

"The first step, [Warner] says, is to get to the center on social issues — gun rights and abortion in particular — so they don't overshadow everything else."

If this isn't the high-water mark of Warner '08, we wonder what will eventually constitute that.
All I can say is stay tuned, Noters, stay tuned.

Another bleg: The WSJ online is a pay site, to which I don't have a subscription. If someone would be kind enough to Email me ( a copy of the article, I'd like to quote from it more (I won't reprint it in full).

UPDATE: Apparently this article was WSJ's freebie of the day. The full article can be found here. It's a nice article (and it's nice to have the feature in one of top circulated papers in the country), but it doesn't tread much new ground.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Warner is an excellent governor for Virginia. He would be an even better senator for Virginia, and I hope he plans to stay here. In the national arena, he will never make it. While he might "interest" southern voters, there simply are not enough moderate-to-conservative democratic-leaning voters in the South to make up for the total loss of the liberal vote and the women's vote in traditional swing states and those we typically win. These are the people we have serious trouble getting out to vote, or who vote for Nader, and this loss is the reason we've been losing, from the White House to the schoolhouse. The Democratic Party needs to learn that when Republicans win as they have been, the stupidest thing the party can possibly do is to try act more like the Republican Party. We are not losing because they are more appealing to the average person. We are losing because we cannot turn out our voters. We cannot turnout our voters, in large part, b/c they do not identify with the party. Why? Because the Democratic Party thinks that "Independent" means "Moderate," or a swing voter. Independent means that neither party really addresses the issues about which these voters care. (And what about the 50% that never votes?) The more that our national candidates act like Republicans, the more that face of the Democratic Party becomes barely distinguishable from the Republican Party, the more we will continue to lose nationally, in Congress, and in the state governments.

Mark Warner's message of fiscal conservatism and non-involvement in matters of social policy works for Virginia, and it needs to stay in Virginia.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

I thought we turned out our voters this year. More of them than ever. Unfortunately, they turned out even more. Forget party labels - the bottom line is that only 18% of the electorate identifies itself as liberal, while roughly one-third of the electorate identifies itself as conservative, leaving just under half of the country as "moderates". Conseratives therefore only need to add about 1/3 of the moderates to achieve a majority; liberals, however, need to add 2/3 of the moderates to achieve a majority.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

The reason the Republican Party can go further and further to the right is because conservatives make up the bulk of their voters. The bulk of Democrats are not liberal, they are moderates. Right now liberals run a very distant third to moderates and conservatives. Kerry won just as big a chunk of the liberal vote as Bush won conservatives. Kerry won moderates by 10 points, it wasn't enough. Being a centrist doesn't mean you pander to both sides and not have any clear beliefs. It means that you represent people that recognize both parties have their flaws, and there can be a third way. Bill Clinton was a prototypical centrist, and his message was crystal clear. The problem with Kerry was that he isn't a centrist and was trying to be. Plus voters in red states just have to be able to identify with a candidate, Kerry is filthy rich, likes to wind surf, and just doesn't talk the way regular people talk. People want to vote for their equal, not their superior. Mark Warner is a proud Democrat, he's not afraid of the label. And rural voters in Virginia like him because he talks about real issues that affect them, not stupid wedge issues like gay marriage. Democrats have more in common with rural voters than Republicans do, Warner has figured that out. He frames the argument, he doesn't let Republicans turn it into a battle over guns, god, and gays.

7:34 PM  
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7:52 PM  

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